On 26th of February vast area on Earth surface will find Venus to play hide and seek with our beloved Moon as it will come directly in between of Venus and Earth.
Thus, a Lunar Occultation of Venus will take place.
So what is Occultation ?
When one celestial body hides another one behind it, astronomers call the event occultation. By this definition, therefore, the solar eclipse is a Lunar occultation of Sun.
What will happen on 26 Feb 2014?
If you live in the right where this occultation is visible, Venus will disappear behind Moon through the illuminated part of its edge. After almost two hours, it will reappear through the opposite side of the Lunar disc edge, the dark side. Outside the occultation area, Venus will appear to pass either through north or south of Moon.
Places in Africa, may see the incident in the predawn and/or dawn sky on February 26. And in other place like India and Southeast Asia – it’ll be at daytime. So, for India a Chrystal clear sky is a must to have a chance to see this celestial phenomenon at daytime.
How to observe ?
The occultation will take place at a particular time. That may be dawn for some place or mid-day for some other place. For those places where the occultation will take place on night time or just on the predawn or dawn phase it will be not difficult to see this event as you can clearly locate Venus and Moon on sky if your sky is free of cloud.
But for people in other places, a simple way to check the probability is, if you can see faint and Crescent Moon at around 10am in the morning, you have a have a chance. Target your binocular to that. Immediately after the Lunar edge in the eastern side, you will find Venus. These will come closer very slowly to touch each other. Beginning of the occultation.
Thus, a Lunar Occultation of Venus will take place.
So what is Occultation ?
When one celestial body hides another one behind it, astronomers call the event occultation. By this definition, therefore, the solar eclipse is a Lunar occultation of Sun.
What will happen on 26 Feb 2014?
If you live in the right where this occultation is visible, Venus will disappear behind Moon through the illuminated part of its edge. After almost two hours, it will reappear through the opposite side of the Lunar disc edge, the dark side. Outside the occultation area, Venus will appear to pass either through north or south of Moon.
Places in Africa, may see the incident in the predawn and/or dawn sky on February 26. And in other place like India and Southeast Asia – it’ll be at daytime. So, for India a Chrystal clear sky is a must to have a chance to see this celestial phenomenon at daytime.
How to observe ?
The occultation will take place at a particular time. That may be dawn for some place or mid-day for some other place. For those places where the occultation will take place on night time or just on the predawn or dawn phase it will be not difficult to see this event as you can clearly locate Venus and Moon on sky if your sky is free of cloud.
But for people in other places, a simple way to check the probability is, if you can see faint and Crescent Moon at around 10am in the morning, you have a have a chance. Target your binocular to that. Immediately after the Lunar edge in the eastern side, you will find Venus. These will come closer very slowly to touch each other. Beginning of the occultation.