Friends, let’s have a look at What’s Up For April 2019 in the sky? This month will comprise visits of Moon to Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. On April 8th, look low in the west after sunset around 8:30 p.m. to find the slim crescent of the four-day-old Moon. By the next evening, the Moon will have moved a bit higher in the sky above Aldebaran. Currently, the solar system's two largest planets can be found near the constellation Sagittarius in the morning sky. On the 23rd, look south before sunrise to spy the 19-day-old, waning, gibbous Moon only half a degree (or half a finger's width) above Jupiter. Well Friends, that’s all for this month. See you all in the next article.
By Sattik Bhaumik,
Junior Member, SWAN.
By Sattik Bhaumik,
Junior Member, SWAN.