So Friends let's have a look at What's up for February 2019 in the sky? We have good time to catch up the stars and planets all month long. Look west after sunset and spot the distinct reddish Mars. Turn south and look high up in the sky. You will see Bright Red star Aldebran in Taurus and Betelguese in Orion. You will also spot the Blue- White Rigel and Sirius. On 10th at 8 pm the Crescent Moon pairs up with Mars. Look for them in the west. On 19th catch up with the Supermoon (30 percent brighter and 14 percent bigger). Venus and Saturn make a close pairing for Early Risers on the 18th at around 5: 30 am. Look towards the southeast before sunrise. By 27th at 5:30 am Venus and Saturn lineup with Jupiter which is also paired with Crescent Moon on that day. Look low in the southeast before sunrise. Mercury also makes its Greatest Elongation. On 27th look west just after sunset. That's all for this month. See you all in the next article.
By Sattik Bhaumik,
Junior Member,
By Sattik Bhaumik,
Junior Member,