Getting prepared for the great encounter of 15th. Asteroid vs Earth. Been to a location to find a suitable spot to try to capture the once in lifetime event on 15th-16th Feb IST Midnight. Had a plan to do a star trail series. But sky got cloudy, left it.
A small asteroid 2012 DA14 will come within many of Earth’s artificial satellite’s orbits, especially those are in geostationary orbit at an altitude of around 36,000km. The small asteroid of around 45 meter diameter may come as close as 3.2 Earth radii (Around 20,000km) at 19:26 UTC on February 15, 2013 or 00:26 hr 16th February 2013 IST. Though so close, its brightness will remain much lesser than needed for it to become visible with naked eye. SWAN will try to shoot it.
This 2013 close approach to Earth will reduce the orbital period of 2012 DA14 from 366 days to 317 days. The next notable close approach of that to Earth will be on 16 February 2046 when the asteroid will pass no closer than 0.0004 AU (60,000km; 37,000 mi) from the center-point of Earth.
This 2013 close approach to Earth will reduce the orbital period of 2012 DA14 from 366 days to 317 days. The next notable close approach of that to Earth will be on 16 February 2046 when the asteroid will pass no closer than 0.0004 AU (60,000km; 37,000 mi) from the center-point of Earth.